the orchestra world

imbibe magazine


This is a great new magazine that arrived unannounced in my mailbox on Monday. It’s published here in Portland (I believe by part of the same team that launched Portland Monthly several years ago), but is distributed nationally. It’s great because it focuses on the liquid side of one’s diet, more specifically, those liquids which happen to contain alchohol or caffeine: coffee, beer, wine and spirits. I highly recommend it – it isn’t too narrow in its focus, and it explores areas of the food world that the gourmet magazines don’t spend much time with, and the attitude is decidedly un-highbrow. Give it a look at


One reply on “imbibe magazine”


As your first cousin (Surprise……), I WOULD appreciate all things liquid. Especially a good (or even exceptional) wine…. I have really grown to appreciate the beauty of the grape. Good magazine!

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