the orchestra world

this is your brain on not practicing

In a word: it hurts.  I pulled out the viola after a two-week hiatus and it really sucked!  The calluses went soft, I couldn’t shift accurately, my sound was like cotton stuffed up a skeleton’s ass – it wasn’t pretty.  I spent 45 painful minutes working through a couple major and minor scales and one etude (Rodé Caprice No. 2).  I know it will get better, but it serves me right for not keeping the fingers limber.

On another note – Heather did her half marathon today!  In celebration I rode my bike downtown to meet her at the finish.  I told her that when she does the full marathon (Oct 7) I will ride downtown and back (it’s 9 miles each way, with the trip downtown almost all downhill, and the converse on the way back).  It’s the least I could do.  Next summer, I’ll do a century and she can carry my carcass home in the car afterwards.

2 replies on “this is your brain on not practicing”

That’s funny — I wrote an entry about violists in my blog yesterday, and I did a Google image search and found this same shot. You totally beat me to it, though.

Is that kid smiling — just a little?

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