fun miscellaneous music

what’s in your case?

I decided to take an inventory of what was lurking in my viola case (aside from the instrument and bow, of course) – here’s what I came up with:

1 cake of l’Opera Jade rosin – approximately 10 years old

1 cake of Pirastro Oliv Rosin Evah – bought 1 week ago

$.35 (one dime, one quarter)

1 medium safety pin (always handy for wardrobe malfunctions)

1 old OSO ID tag

1 loop-end Larsen A-string

1 ball-end Larsen A-string

1 rubber mute

4 misc. 4×6 photos

1 dust rag

Pretty exciting, eh? I know, pretty lame. But I challenge any musicians who read this to empty their cases and post their findings in the comments areas of this post.  Gig bags may prove more fascinating and revealing – so feel free to use that if it is not too embarrassing!

Stay tuned…

3 replies on “what’s in your case?”

1 packet of cigarette paper (OCB ungummed)
1 flute


Now, my gig bag, probably the equivalent of your case, is a whole different tale: more cig paper, set of 6 mini screwdrivers, headjoint tape, orange post-its (1×2), pencils, erasers, lip balm, black hand towel, neon green microfiber cloth. When I go on the actual gig I add: flute(s), picc(s), flute/picc flags/swabs, water bottle, Korg tuner, music.

You don’t carry a full set of spare strings in your case?

I actually didn’t realize that I only had two A strings – one of which I can’t even use – until I did this spur-of-the-moment inventory – so I’ll be getting a new set and using the old set as emergency spares right away!

From Mendy Smith in Hong Kong:

What is in my case
Published: Feb. 15, 2008 at 2:58 PM
Last modified: Feb. 15, 2008 at 3:00 PM

I read a recent blog from the assistant principal violist in the Oregon Symphony about his case inventory, and realized that I haven’t done this myself in quite some time.

The Old Man’s Case (with me now in Hong Kong):
15″ viola
2 bows (one with a blue rubber band on the frog)
Chinrest (detached)
Small screwdriver (small enough to re-attach chinrest if needed)
Yellow micro-fiber cloth
Cake of rosin of unknown origin, rubber band holding it together is frayed and nearly broken.
Small pitch-fork
Ebony Mute
Wire & rubber mute (can’t remember how to put it on!!!)
Old set of Dominant Strings (minus the C string)
Electronic tuner/metronome
Mechanical pencil
Gold Star sticker
Cat Hair
Various sheet music & music studies

Hilda’s Case:
(no bows, they are with me in my 15″ viola case)
(no viola, it is at the shop getting a new bridge & soundpost)
Cat Hair
Pictures of cats (1 for each cat, one pic is of cat in case)
2 pictures of me playing viola when I was 8 & 10.
Grandfather’s Memorial program
Spare set of Dominant strings (new)
Yellow micro-fiber cloth
Peg dope
Peg drops
2 shower curtain hooks – brushed nickle finish
Ziplock baggie with peppermints & empty wrappers
Pocket Calendar
Print-out of work (day-job)calendar through June
Random paper clips
Mechanical pencil
Electronic pick-up for amp
2 business cards
Nail clippers
Red tassel (technically not in my case, but outside it)

You’d think that I would have something better to do on a Friday night in Hong Kong!

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