music the orchestra world

bela fleck and the flecktones


Not much to say about this one except – go, go tonight and come back on Monday night. I think it’s a must-see show, and a highlight of the pops season. I’ve heard rumors (quite possibly untrue) that this is the last tour of the Flecktones, so it’s literally a once in a lifetime opportunity to see them live in Portland for one last time. Rarely do I have the pleasure of just sitting and drinking in such incredible musicianship with an awestruck grin on my face. I know, you’re saying to yourself, “it’s just a banjo” – trust me, it’s much, much more – get your tickets now!

One reply on “bela fleck and the flecktones”

Saw the Sunday matinee performance – thought it was great. They are all masters of their instruments. I wish the orchestrations during the collaborations with the symphony had been a little more intense and involved, but this isn’t even a serious enough gripe to call it a complaint.

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