labor issues music the orchestra world

more columbus analysis

Robert Levine, writing over at Abu Bratsche, has finally weighed in on the Columbus Symphony debacle.  It’s a pretty damning case he makes for the vast majority of the responsibility to be given to the board of the Columbus Symphony for the current state of affairs.  I’d consider it required reading – discuss.

Even with the problems that the OSO is currently facing in terms of recurring budget deficits, the board has not shied away from hiring a strong, competent, clear-eyed president.  We’ve at least had someone at the helm (except for one season after the abrupt departure of former president Tony Woodcock) throughout the time I’ve been here (12 seasons and counting), and that counts for a lot.  I cannot imagine why the CSO decided not to hire an executive director for THREE consecutive seasons.  Amazing, and not in a good way.