
true cyclist at last

Well, I achieved today what must be one of the final prerequisites of being a cyclist rather than merely a bike rider.  I wiped out – big time – and have a nice case of road rash to prove it.

I was riding over the Sellwood Bridge this afternoon, but on the roadway instead of the pedestrian walkway as I usually choose to do.  Why?  Well, it was Columbus Day and traffic was low, I was going towards downtown instead of away (it was around 4 p.m.), and I hate the walkway because I usually have to stop several times to let walkers and other cyclists pass in the opposite direction.

So, I’m on the roadway, and I’ve made it 90% of the way across, and then I’m not sure if there is a ramp up on to the sidewalk to get me to the bikeway that parallels Macadam Ave.  I see it at the very last minute, and am going around 20 mph.  Did I mention that I replaced my very worn brake pads the day before?  Well, I slam on both the front and rear brakes, and the rear wheel locks up and starts to head in a clockwise direction.  I turn into the skid, but then my front brake catches, and I do a modified endo with a half twist – I hit the pavement with my left knee, followed by the left handlebar and then my left shoulder.  I’m stunned for a moment, then get up as fast as I can, because I’m in the traffic lane and there’s a school bus behind me.  The driver allowed plenty of room (thank goodness!) and I wave that I’m ok and get onto the sidewalk.  My knee is bleeding pretty profusely, and other than that I’m still in a bit of shock, but basically ok.

I take a physical inventory and decide that everything is connected that should be and nothing is broken (except my skin).  I straighten out my handlebars and seat and go on my way.

About 10 minutes later, I hit a huge galvanized nail in the South Waterfront district and actually have a spare tube and CO2 inflator to make the repair.  I finish my ride home, clean my wounds, and get ready to play our pops concert in Salem.  What a day!

3 replies on “true cyclist at last”

Ouch! Sounds really nasty. Could have been bad. How are you feeling today? Sore, I imagine. I hate hate hate that bridge, so much so that I avoid it. I hope we live long enough to see a new, improved one.

And then to get a flat, what insult. I didn’t consider myself a real rider until I fixed my first flat. Way to go.

The lesson here is, if you’re going to crash in the road, do it in front of a school bus.

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