I just got this email from Portland Youth Philharmonic executive director Diane Syrcle – please write in support of this very important string program in Vancouver, WA.
The Evergreen School District is considering eliminating its string music program. We know first hand the power of music in the lives of children. We cannot sit idle and allow this program to be cut.
The Evergreen program had 16 students in 2003. It now serves 1,000 students. A K-12 string program in our region is rare and is an opportunity for children that we cannot afford to lose. Will you join PYP in sending a strong message to the school leadership in the Evergreen School District.
Take action now – write a note to John Deeder, Superintendent jdeeder@egreen.wednet.edu and ask him not to cut the string program in the Evergreen School District. Tell him why a string program is important for the children in Vancouver.
To find out more go to:
Diane Syrcle, Executive Director, PYP