education music outreach teaching the orchestra world


Nothing like being sick as a dog for a few days to make you long for even the most mundane activities.  Yes, the intestinal virus that’s been going around has finally gotten me in its vile clutches, and though I feel a bit better today than the past few days, I’ve still got a little way to go until I’m 100 percent.  It’s too bad, too, because the last three days have been ideal days for cycling: sunny, not too windy, and in the 50’s.  And I had all that practicing that I was hoping to accomplish.  I tried to practice for a couple hours on the first day I was afflicted, and felt afterward as if I’d been breaking rocks with a pick axe instead of working on a Mendelssohn quartet.  Rats!

Photo: Brian Smith

On to other things.  If you had tickets to the holiday Kids concerts in December, then your seats are already reserved for the 4 p.m. performance tomorrow, Sunday, February 22nd.  There’s also a 2 p.m. concert the same day.  It will be very cool, with a grand finale of dozens of local Suzuki students performing the first movement of the Bach Double Concerto in front of the Oregon Symphony.  It is guaranteed to be both inspiring and unbearably cute!  We had our first rehearsal for this concert last Monday (!), and our dress is Sunday morning.  I’m not sure if I’m going to be well enough to play, but it should be a great concert.

Click here for ticket information.