dance oregon recession

OBT pit goes dark

From today’s Oregonian:

In yet another round of bad news for Portland’s arts scene, Oregon Ballet Theatre is cutting its budget 28 percent.

The ballet will go on. Just don’t expect a live orchestra at any OBT performances or quite as many dancers on stage next season.

Approved by OBT’s board of directors last week, the almost $2 million budget cuts kick in with the new fiscal year in July, reducing the annual budget from $6.7 million to slightly more than $4.8 million. Cuts will come from across-the-board salary reductions, consolidation of jobs, and layoffs. The number of full-time dancers will dip from 28 to 25.

and information about the costs of a live orchestra (but no mention of the benefits):

The cost of live music for the Oregon Ballet Theatre varies with the number of musicians needed for a given piece. Some rough ideas of cost:
•$12,000 For “The Nutcracker”
•$20,000 For “Bolero”

One reply on “OBT pit goes dark”

That’s really sad for OBT. I’m sure the ballet orchestra is wonderful under the guidance of Niel DePonte. When Niel guest conducted here in Seattle for PNB, many of my colleagues, as well as myself, felt envy towards OBT for having such musical talent and integrity on the podium in the pit.

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