fundraising labor issues music the orchestra world

oregon symphony in the news

There have been several articles in the local press about the current Oregon Symphony financial situation:

Since we’re about to enter into negotiations between musicians and management, it’s not really time for me to be making any public pronouncements about what should or should not be done.  Therefore, I’m submitting to my own private, media blackout in news pertaining to the upcoming negotiations.  I’ll post any updates that come through other media sources, but without commentary.  After all of the dust settles, I’ll offer my take on the settlement, whatever form that takes.  Thanks for bearing with me.

In other news, the site should be running faster and more smoothly, thanks to the new hosting situation.  It is, however, more expensive, on the order of about $200 more per year.  So check out the offer on the left, where you can get a download of a recent performance of the Shostakovich Viola Sonata from the Max Aronoff Viola Institute concert series with a donation directly to my hosting costs.  That’s all that the funds can be used for, and they go directly to my hosting provider account.  Please give what you can so I can keep blogging through thick and thin.
