soloists & recitals the orchestra world

an embarrassment of riches

What an assemblage of talent we’ve got onstage with us this week for the opening night gala of the Oregon Symphony!  Chris Thile is a wonderful mandolin virtuoso, and he gives his own Concerto for Mandolin a great performance, but for my money, the trio of banjo player Bela Fleck, bassist Edgar Meyer, and tabla player Zakir Hussain are unbelievable.  Truly, top virtuosi in any genre, not just “crossover”.  Whatever that is.  Duke Ellington said that there was just good music and bad music, and what sort it was didn’t much matter (or that’s what he meant, anyway).  These guys are awesome – a much overused word – but they are truly awe inspiring in every way.  I’m not sure what the status of ticket availability is for this concert, but if you have any chance of springing for a ticket, you won’t be sorry in the least!  And stay around after the formal program is over – the four soloists are going to stay and jam onstage into the night hours.

One reply on “an embarrassment of riches”

I bet that was interesting… Fleck and Meyer are great; I’m unfamiliar with the others…. jamming afterwards is a great idea!

Bill in Dallas
PS…We had a fabulous Mahler #1 at the Dallas Symphony last night as you were doing the concert you described.

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