Just a note to change your bookmark to this blog: here is the link to bookmark that will get you directly to the blog, which is now at http://www.nobleviola.com (with no /wordpress/) on the end. Explanation below:
If you look at the top of the page, you can see that Daily Observations has changed to The Noble Viola. Why? Well, a couple of reasons. First of all, this blog initially began as a catch-all that would unite many facets of my life, but over the years it’s become almost exclusively devoted to my life as a violist, and the title has changed to reflect that. The fact that a lot of people referred to the blog as noble viola also influenced my decision. In addition, I’ve shut down my “professional” site at nobleviola.com, and it will be incorporated into the pages of this blog – the two were becoming pretty redundant over time, anyway. And lastly, the viola’s a pretty noble instrument, and the fact that it’s also my name is a good play on words, noble as both proper noun and adjective.