portland teaching the orchestra world

pyp musicians’ blog

Happy New Year everyone!  Now that the millennium is almost in its teen years, it’s time to start looking to the future, and the future of music is nowhere more evident than in the ranks of our nation’s youth orchestras.  Right here in Portland we have the nation’s oldest youth orchestra, the Portland Youth Philharmonic.  Among its alumni, many Oregon Symphony musicians, former Juilliard Quartet front man(n) Robert Mann, and BSO principal second violinist Marylou Speaker Churchill.  The PYP has a blog on its website that’s given over to the musicians for them to write about what’s going on in their rehearsals and performances, and it’s a great idea.  I’ve been asked to write an entry about what I wished that I knew when I was their age, and that post will be going up on their blog in the next week or so.  Consider this a heads up.  You can find the blog here.