conducting the orchestra world

OSO music director to conduct BSO

David Stabler reports that Carlos Kalmar has been asked to fill in for James Levine with the Boston Symphony in early April.


David Stabler reports that CK will also be filling in for Esa Pekka Salonen with the Chicago Symphony this coming week.


8 replies on “OSO music director to conduct BSO”

and to conduct Mahler 7, no less. What an incredible opportunity to conduct one of the big 5 orchestras. Symphony Hall in Boston is an incredible venue, full of history (but not that comfortable for patrons, though). If this goes well, this would be quite a feather in Carlos’ cap, so to speak. It speaks volumes about his reputation that he was even invited to fill in for Levine.

Surely the Big 5 don’t exist anymore–at least not in the “old big 5”. No doubt the Boston
Symphony is playing better than the other former “members”, largely due to Levine’s tenure. This is a great opportunity for Kalmar; let’s hope he comes through.

mahler’s 7th? wow.

one of my peak musical experiences was seeing/hearing rattle do that with his birmingham pals. it felt as though he was making up the piece on the spot within one giant breath of inspiration.

i wish carlos the best with this signal opportunity. i think salonen’s major career break came after subbing for tilson-thomas at the last minute with mahler’s 3rd.

go carlos . . .

Bob, it is interesting that you should speak of a peak musical experience concerning a perfomance of Mahler 7. I had a similar experience with this same symphony a number of years ago in Boston with Bernard Haitink conducting. It was a superlative performance. The BSO certainly has the players to produce a great Mahler 7. I suspect that Carlos is going to get that kind of performance out of the BSO. By chance, are any Oregon Symphony supporters going to be in Boston at that time?

Hey Curtis,

Adam Esbensen plays in the BSO cello section. He used to be a member of the Oregon Symphony cello section and a Fear No Music member as well.

AND, adam was cellist in the Free Marz String Trio for 2 years before he “dumped me” for that penny-ante BSO gig!


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