Lots of teaching and chamber music coaching was done on Tuesday, with some private lessons thrown in for good measure. Got to meet a young woman who was taking viola lessons via Skype while on deployment with the US Army in Iraq, what a story! She came to the evening concert with her distance-learning teacher. The evening concert was another lovely event, with Joyce Ramée and Marcia Ott performing Mozart’s Sinfonia concertante with the evening’s pianist, Sandra Bleiweiss, to a standing ovation. Scott Ligocki and John Scanlon led off with a two viola and piano arrangement of the Waltz from Khatchaturian’s Masquerade. Betty Agent played two seldom-heard works by Frank Bridge: Pensiero and Allegro appassionato. John Scanlon and Sandra Bleiweiss ended the evening in high style with a lovely rendition of Brahms’ Sonata in E-flat major, op. 120 no. 2.