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british football blogger reviews concert – and we all learn a lot

I HATE “I might not know art, but I know what I like.”

I hate that.

“I might not know art, but I know what I like.” But also – you do know art. You might not know all the words around it but you are sentient and it is happening around you all the time. What you are saying is I can’t be bothered thinking about it.

I do know art. I do know music. I do know what I like as well. And so do you. You know that. And so know this: this music is neither dead nor dying. It’s being played with startling aggression and pride in most cities in the country, most cities in the world. Yes, it’s being played with incredible virtuosity but much more than that it is being played with soul searing passion. It is music of soul searing passion, not smooth, not relaxing, not the soundtrack to a drive home or a commercial or a Hollywood film, not supplementary to the product but there, THERE! – demanding your attention, your contemplation, your catharsis.

One reply on “british football blogger reviews concert – and we all learn a lot”

Charles, thanks for posting this review.It was an uplifting read.
I recently stumbled across your blog by the way, and you are a good
writer. Also, thank you for posting the list of musicians hired by James
DePreist.I thought it was a nice tribute,and I was proud to be included.
I’m currently living in Chattanooga and working with the Symphony here-
a talented group by the way. Please send my best regards to any friends
who are still around from my days in Portland.Wishing you continued success
with all your endeavors.
Best, Dan Danielson

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