I just had my last scheduled check with the fracture clinic, and my clavicle break is considered fully healed. It’ll be about another 4-8 weeks before I can do pull-ups or push-ups on the arm (pardon me while I stifle my laughter at that likelihood), but I’m cleared to really ramp up my work to get back into playing shape.
I’ve been working with my physical therapy team on ways to get my range of motion up to par, and to build the strength necessary to play the instrument for upwards of 4-6 hours a day. At this point in time I’m at about 20-30 minutes per day. The plan is to play until tired and keep track of the time trajectory. I need to be careful not to overdo it. It may be possible to come back to part-time readiness in the orchestra in about two weeks if things work out the way I hope they will. Ultimately, however, I’ll have to make the call on whether I’m up to what I choose to take on. The last thing I want to do is return to work only to have to take more time off because I came back too soon.
It was only when I began to contemplate the way to plan my reentry into the season that I became aware of the sheer physical demands that the job makes on one, even at the peak of health. Not to mention the mental preparation involved. I’m finding myself daunted by the prospect. It’s a bit intimidating, and my self-confidence is not at an all-time high as a result. I just have to keep reminding myself that each day must be taken by itself, and as the follow – one after the other – progress will be made.