cello coffee Featured portland the orchestra world

quid pro joe?

Portland’s own Badbeard’s Microroastery will be offering a new signature blend called Symphony – for every one pound bag of freshly roasted coffee that you purchase direct from Badbeard himself (in fact local cellist and coffee geek extraordinaire Justin Kagan, a frequent performer with the Oregon Symphony, Portland Cello Project, Red Sneakers, and more) two dollars will be kicked back into the Oregon Symphony’s coffers.

Here ’tis fresh from the horse’s keyboard:

In support of my fellow local musicians in the Oregon Symphony Orchestra….call it “quid pro joe”….Badbeard’s has crafted SYMPHONY, a bold blend of our finest Panama, Sumatra and Ethiopian coffees.  Two dollars for every 1 lb. bag sold will be kicked in to the orchestra’s coffers…thinking ahead to the OSO’s slated debut in Carnegie Hall in NYC in 2011.  Having performed with these superb musicians over the years Badbeard’s roastmaster wants to give back in kind.  We have stepped up efforts with donations in fundraisers for the OSO and will continue to do so in these tough times.  We have a thriving yet struggling arts scene here in Portland and want to keep the trail blazing!  Thanks for all your help!

For those of the no-buzz persuasion, a decaffeinated version of this coffee forthcoming in the next two weeks….