Today, in a departure from the sublime music making of the past couple weeks at the Oregon Bach Festival, I headed over to the dental surgeon and had my four wisdom teeth removed. Depending upon the festival, some might argue that this was a preferable experience, but not in this case! All I can say is that I am so grateful for laughing gas and general anesthesia! Plus the steroids, anti-nausea, antibiotics, and prescription painkillers that I was issues for the recovery period. In spite of all the horror stories I was regaled with (what is it about a dental procedure that inspires everyone to bring out their most harrowing and disgusting dental adventure, anyway?) recovery so far has been a breeze. We’ll see how the night goes, and hopefully each succeeding day will be even better. If you are in need of a top notch dental surgeon, I cannot recommend highly enough Dr. David Tenhulzen, MD, DMD. He’s efficient, has a great bedside manner, and very informative about what to expect before, during, and after your procedure.