appreciation music the orchestra world

ode to joy

In one of my recent posts, I happened to say that I didn’t care for the Ode to Joy from the finale of Beethoven’s Ninth symphony.  Well, I’ve reconsidered that stance a bit.

I still don’t do cartwheels over the long initial statement of the theme in the celli and basses, then the violas.  I think it just has something to do with overexposure.  That’s not Beethoven’s fault.

I do happen to love the triumphant verse with the entire choir singing “Joy, beautiful spark of God/Daughter of Elysium” at maximum volume while the strings play their counterpoint of eighth-notes and the brass interject their contributions.  Gives me chills every time!

It’s pretty hair-raising, especially the two bar crescendo that leads up to the roof being blown off the place.  It must have been something to hear for the first time.  It’s no wonder it took Brahms over 30 years to have the guts to write his First symphony.