labor issues music the orchestra world

more columbus opinion

Sam Bergman, violist with the Minnesota Orchestra, has written an insightful and compelling post about the current situation in Columbus.

Here’s the crux of his argument against the draconian cuts proposed by the CSO board and management:

Consider it from another angle: let’s say that the Minnesota Timberwolves, plagued for years by slumping ticket sales, underperforming teams, and a deeply unpopular general manager, decided that they just could no longer compete in the hockey-mad winter sports marketplace of Minneapolis/St. Paul. But rather than move the team, or fold completely, or sell to a new local owner who could try to succeed where others had failed, let’s say that the team announced that it would be laying off five of its twelve players, and playing only 65 games per season, rather than the customary 82. (They’ll keep the unpopular GM on, of course, just like in real life.)

Read the complete post here.

So, what’s my take on this?