appreciation chamber music the orchestra world

a proud and thankful orchestra

I just got back from the post-concert drinks after our annual Evelyn Nagel Donor Appreciation Concert (ENDAC) at the Newmark Theater.  For years, ENDAC was an orchestra concert by the full orchestra, with most all of the orchestra’s donors invited.  Last year, Elaine Calder suggested (I believe) that the concert feature smaller groups of musicians performing chamber works in a more intimate space.  The concert was successful enough that the formula was repeated, but with the donor level extending down to the $100 and above.  We had quite a full house this time around, which was great, and a wide variety for ensembles performing, ranging from the full brass section to just two violins.  Musicians signed up to participate, and the Carlos Kalmar and Gregory Vajda chose which ensembles would perform and what the program order would be.

Just a word about that brass section, by the way, we’re lucky to have an absolutely world-class brass section here, and that was supremely evident at tonight’s event.  In addition, many of our incredible wind section also played, and reminded me of how versatile and musical they all are.  We’re lucky to have them.  The string section was represented by less numbers of musicians, but the performances were all great, we’ve got tremendous depth in our string section, with some real stars, too.

I’ve got a pops rehearsal in the morning, and it isn’t getting any earlier, so that’s all for now.  On Friday I’ll print the complete program and performer list.