music the orchestra world viola

there are days…

I wish that I were blogging anonymously sometimes.  I could unburden myself of whatever was vexing me from a day’s worth of rehearsals, private practicing, or teaching, and say whatever I wanted.

That would be great.


It also would not be terribly ethical.  It’s easy to say whatever you want when you remain a faceless, shadowy figure.  When you put a name and face to your words, however, you’ve got to be responsible for what you write.

There are quite a few music bloggers who have information that would be very likely incindiary if it were launched out into the public realm, but they don’t divulge it, regardless of the fact that everyone else inside the business knows what’s going on and talking about it on an almost daily basis.

So, anyway, I’m just going to say that the last couple days have been trying for me personally in regards to the viola, but I’m fine and soon it will be over and there will be something new to learn and enjoy.  If you know what I’m talking about, then you get it, and if you don’t, then just settle for knowing that even musicians have “one of those days” every once and a while, too.

On a completely different note, here’s a cool video from a blog in Minnesota that has some interviews with MSO players as they return to the hall for the new concert season.  One of those featured is Mike Gast, principal horn, who is a member of the Sunriver Festival Orchestra, and a heck of a great horn player and all around nice dude:

new season