News the orchestra world

more cuts for orchestras


  • UPDATE 4/08 [link] The Utah Symphony/Opera cut 11.5% of of their benefits plus Keith Lockhart takes 10% pay reduction.
  • [link] The Atlanta Symphony musicians have reopened their previously negotiated CBA (which ran through 2011) and will be taking an 8.8% pay cut by the end of 2011 (the first drop will be 5% for 09/10, then a further 3.8% in 2011).
  • [link] The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra musicians have agreed to a 12% pay cut for the 09/10 season.  Staff cuts were 17% cut of staff positions and a 15.5% cut of top executive pay, and a salary freeze for non-senior management.
  • Philadelphia Inquirer arts writer Peter Dobrin writes about a possible sea change in how US orchestras will be structured in the midst and the wake of the current recession/depression.  The main point concerns salaries – both executive and musician.
  • David Brewster of writes about the possibility that Seattle over-built its arts infrastructure, and points to Portland as a model of where Seattle might be headed (and that Seattle might be a place that Portland should worry about becoming).