Ticket sales, according to the Oregon Symphony, are up 35% this season over last year, and that’s with 1/3 of its concerts remaining to be performed. Said Oregon Symphony President Elaine Calder:
“It’s encouraging to see these improvements in paid attendance, and it feels great to attend classical concerts filled with enthusiastic, happy crowds,” President Elaine Calder said. “We know that people are spending carefully these days, and we’ve introduced several special opportunities this year, working with internet sites like Groupon and Travelzoo and our partners in Portland’s music community to make sure that as many people as possible have access to Oregon Symphony tickets. As a result, revenue growth isn’t yet keeping pace with the increased attendance – but we’re once again heading in the right direction.”
All told, the orchestra has sold $5.2 million in tickets to this season’s concerto thus far.
Good news, indeed!